Butterfly ShopButterfly Shop

Descriptions of Plants for Butterfly Gardens

Michigan State University Extension
Arlen Leholm, Director
108 Agriculture Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1039
Phone: 517-355-2308
Fax: 517-355-6473
The Butterfly WebSite would like to thank the Michigan State University Extension for making this information available in the public domain.

The following links contain growing instructions and images for various nectar and larvae-feeding plants for butterflies.

Plant Name Nectar
Alyssum (White) X
Aster (Purple) (New England) X
Black Eyed Susan X
Blueberries (Vaccinium) X
Blackberry Lily X
Boneset (Eupatorium) X
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) X
Liatris (Blazing Stars) X
Lilac (Syringa) X
Hawthorns (Crataegus) X
Marigolds X
Monarda (Wild Bergamot) X
Sedum (Pink Live-Forever) X
Phlox (Pink) X
Privet (Ligurstum) X
Redbud (Cercis) X
Spicebush (Lindera) X
Spirea X
Sumac (Rhus) X
Verbena X
Veronica (Ironweed) X
Zinnias X
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