Michigan State University Extension
Home Horticulture - 03900067


List of visuals associated with this text.

Although landscaping serves an ornamental function          

attractive to the human eye, it also serves to attract      

various forms of wildlife.  There are many plants of        

ornamental value which also are attractive to song and game 

birds, as well as to other varieties of wildlife.           

The following table ennumerates various birds and those     

plants that are attractive to them.  The asterisk (*) after 

a plant name, refers to the plant's value as a source of    

winter food.  The double asterisk (**) indicates plants not 

too useful as ornamentals in the home plantings.  The KEY   

refers to the numbers following specific plants below; for  

example, numbers 3, 5, 7 etc., appear after Amelanchier     

canadensis (Shadblow).  This means that the Catbird, the    

Chewink and the Lark feed on the fruits of the Amelanchier. 



1. Bluebird      15.  Oriole           29.  Myrtle  Warbler 

 2. Hermit thrush 16.  Phoebe           30.  Bob-o-link     

 3. Catbird       17.  Yellow shafted   31.  Chicadee       


 4. Song sparrow  18.  Robin            32.  Bohemian       


 5. Chewink       19.  Mocking bird     33.  Cedar waxwing  

 6. Veery         20.  Swallow          34.  Evening        


 7. Lark          21.  Tanger           35.  Pine grosbeak  

 8. Wood thrush   22.  Thrasher         36.  Yellow billed  


 9. Pine and      23.  Thrush                               

     purple finch                       37.  Cedarbird      

10. Wren          24.  Vireo            38.  Sapsucker      

11. Blackbird     25.  Warbler          39.  Crow           

12. Jay           26.  Woodpecker       40.  Rosebreasted   


13. Junco         27.  Sparrow                              

14. Kingbird      28.  Cardinal         41.  Quail          




~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     

Shadblow        Amelanchier canadensis  1,3,5,7,8,12,15,18, 


Red chokeberry* Aronia arbutifolia      9,12,13,34,35       

Black choke-    Aronia melanocarpa      7,22                


Spicebush**     Lindera benzoin         6,8,14,24,26,37,41  

Washington      Crataegus phaenopyrum   9,12,13,35          


Scarlet         Crataegus coccinea      9,12,13,35          


Cockspur        Crataegus crusgalli     9,12,13,35          


English         Crataegus oxycantha     9,12,13,35          


Cotoneaster     Cotoneaster varieties   1, and others       

Russian         Elaeagnus angustifolia  33, and others      


Cherry Olive    Elaeagnus multiflora    33, and others      

Autumn Olive    Elaeagnus umbellata     33, and others      

American        Euonymus americana      1,4,10              


European        Euonymus europaeus      18,26               


Silky dogwood   Cornus amomum           1,2,3,4,11          

Coral dogwood   Cornus alba siberica    12,13,14,15         

Red osier       Cornus stolonifera      17,18,21,24         


Yellowtwig      Cornus lutea            17,18,21,24         


Flowering       Cornus florida          26,27,31,34         


Graystem        Cornus racemosa         35,37,39,41         


Teaberry,       Gaultheria procumbens   9,13,34,35,37,41    


Inkberry-       Ilex glabra             several             


American        Ilex opaca              1,2,3,17,18,19,     

 holly*                                 22,33,38            

Winterberry-    Ilex verticillata       1,2,3,17,18,22,     

 holly*                                 26,33,41            

Red cedar*      Juniperus virginiana    9,14,16,17,18,      

                and varieties           19,23,25,29,31      

Honeysuckle     Lonicera varieties      3,9,12,13,19,22,    


Flowering       Malus varieties, small  many-18 species     

 Crab           varieties that hold                         

                fruit best                                  

White           Morus alba              1,3,11,12,14,15,16, 

 mulberry**                             18,21,22,24,26,30,  


Red             Morus rubra             1,3,11,12,14,15,16, 

 mulberry**                             18,21,22,24,26,30,  


Waxmyrtle       Myrica cerifera         3,5,7,10,11,14,16,  



Bayberry        Myrica pensylvanica     39,41               

Tupelo          Nyssa sylvatica         3,9,12,17,18,22,23, 


Pine            Pinus varieties         35                  

Black           Prunus serotina         1,3,7,9,11,12,14,15,

 cherry**                               17,18,19,20         

Pin cherry**    Prunus pensylvanica     21,23,24,25,26,30,  


Choke           Prunus virginiana       many 31 species     


Firethorn       Pyracantha varieties    several             

Buckthorn       Rhamnus varieties       3,12,13,14,18,22,34,


Shining         Rhus copallina          1,3,11,12,14,17     

 sumac* **                                                  

Smooth          Rhus glabra             18,19,21,22,24,25   

sumac* **                                                   

Staghorn        Rhus typhina            26,41               

 sumac* **                                                  

Meadow          Rosa blanda             several             

 rose* **                                                   

Japanese        Rosa multiflora         many 38 species     

 rose * **                                                  

Rugosa          Rosa rugosa             several             


Bramble         Rubus varieties         1,12,18,28,30,31    


Elder-          Sambucus canadensis     1,10,11,12,13,14,15,

 berry**                                16,17,18,19,22,24,  


Snowberry*      Symphoricarpus albus    9,12,13,34,35       

Coralberry*     Symphoricarpus          many 26 species     


Mountain        Sorbus varieties        1,3,15,18,19,23,26, 

 ash*                                   32,33,34,37         

Highbush        Vaccinium corymbosum    3,4,5,12            


Lowbush         Vaccinium pensylvanicum 37,39,41            


Mapleleaf       Viburnum acerifolium    several kinds       


Wild raisin     Viburnum cassinoides    several kinds       


Arrowwood       Viburnum dentatum       several kinds       


Linden          Viburnum dilatatum      several kinds       


Nannyberry      Viburnum lentago        several kinds       


European        Viburnum opulus         several kinds       


 bush vib.                                                  

Blackhaw        Viburnum prunifolium    several kinds       


Siebold         Viburnum sieboldi       1,9,17,18,22,25,26, 

 virurnum                               37,39,40,41         

The following table documents vines which produce fruit     

attractive and valuable to songbirds:                       


-----------  --------------              ---------------    

Virginia     Parthenocissus quinquefolia 1,14,18,26,27      


Boston ivy   Parthenocissus tricuspidata 1,14,18,26         

Bittersweet  Celastrus scandens          1,18,26,41         

Japanese     Lonicera japonica           41                 


Frost        Vitis cordifolia            1,7,12,14,17       


Fox grape**  Vitis labrusca              18,22,26,28        

Riverbank    Vitis vulpina               37,39              


Although one usually designates ornamental plantings as a   

rural practice, and does not attribute wildlife to urban    

areas, there are ornamental plants capable of enhancing     

urban environments while attracting wildlife to the area.   

More than eighty percent of the U.S. population is located  

in urban areas.  All residents of the city unwittingly      

contribute to the degradation and destruction of our state's

natural environments, as wild birds and other animals are   

squeezed out of the habitat they need for survival.  In     

most cities the animal biomass exists by chance or for      

aesthetic considerations; and as wildlife becomes           

increasingly devoid of speciesand habitat diversity, they   

tend to drift towards monotony.  Ecologists have found that 

this practice leads to imbalance and disruption of species  


As local populations of wildlife are displaced, isolation   

from the natural world occurs.  The "extinction of          

experience" is a consequence of this; resulting in a human  

population more isolated from and less caring of the natural

habitat.  Preservation or simulation of natural environments

can help maintain a sense of stewardship for the land and   

it's wildlife.  Steps in this direction would be helpful on 

both the human and wildlife level; public opinion surveys   

show that most people want to know wild animals live around 

their homes and will maintain these habitats, while the     

health of wildlife populations is tied to the health of     

their habitats.  The living spaces that provide animals with

food, water, cover and shelter could be cultivated on a     

human level.                                                

To begin cultivation on an area conducive to wildlife       

habitation, the conditions necessary for their survival     

should be improved.  All animals get their energy for       

survival from plants or other animals.  The ideal wildlife  

management plan uses natural vegetation (native  plants);   

supplying year-round food, from the earliest summer berries 

to fruits which persist through the winter and spring.      

Fresh water is essential for all wildlife and is often the  

factor most limiting their presence on small properties.  In

conventional developments, many small natural drainage      

channels are obliterated or rerouted to enclosed storm      

sewers, requiring the provision of additional water.        

Animals dependent on springs, small streams, and tributaries

suffer significant habitat losses if water is not provided. 

Animals require the protective cover or shelter of plants   

for breeding, nesting, hiding, sleeping, feeding and        

traveling.  All animals also require a certain amount of    

space or territory to mate and rear their young; however, an

animal's requirement for space may be substantially less if 

food, water, and cover resources are increased.             

The discontinuity of habitats can be a limiting factor for  

many species, and also a problem  for those wishing to      

attract wildlife to the surrounding area.  Animals can only 

be attracted to a yard or property from the larger          

surrounding landscape.  The lack of a connective open space 

system is one of the factors that limits the diversity of   

wildlife in the urban area.                                 

Habitat needs should be defined when attempting to attract  

wildlife in an urban area.  A generalized habitat should be 

located somewhere nearby, to allow for the provision of     

wildlife in the area.  A generalized habitat encompasses a  

variety of wildlife, and is located in such places as a     

backyard or neighborhood park.  The habitat created should  

be based on some general principles and the specific plant  

and animal communities indigenous to the surrounding area.  

Plan proactively for wildlife from the start, not treating  

them as "add-ons" or options.  The key to success is the    

retention or recreation of suitable habitats, and is also   

linked to the prevention of loss of habitat.  For example;  

on construction sites, save all possible trees, shrubs and  

ground cover.  For wildlife, trees need not be perfect      

specimens; all dead trees are not hazards, nor are they     

intrinsically ugly but are actually homes for a whole series

of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds, and invertebrates  

associated with trees as they decline.  It is advised to    

retain at least one dead or dying tree per one-quarter-acre 

lot if possible.                                            

Multi-layered vegetation with a diversity of plant species  

is more stable and attracts more wildlife species.  The     

vegetation comprising these areas are more than just        

monocultures or tall tree and grass combinations; they      

involve the conversion of all area not needed for lawns to  

beds of trees, shrubs or native grasses.  The trees and     

shrub beds should be mulched with leaf litter, tree trimming

chips or melaleuca mulch, as mulches are a rich food source 

for ground foragers like towhees and thrushes. Mulches also 

provide cover for small mammals, reptiles and amphibians    

while serving to enrich the soil.                           

Select plant species tolerant or urban conditions for use in

these areas, preferably native species because of their     

increased wildlife value.  Because pesticides are lethal to 

wildlife, the use of native plants is doubly recommended as 

using native plants will dramatically reduce disease and    

insect pest populations.                                    

Hummingbirds are a variety of wildlife that are attainable  

in any area, with the provision those conditions necessary  

for their survival.  This can be accomplished through the   

creation of hummingbird gardens.                            

The variety of hummingbird attracted to a garden is         

dependent on the regional area.  Gardeners east of the      

Mississippi are only visited by the ruby-throated           

hummingbird, while Western gardeners usually are visited by 

seven different varieties.  Appearances of the hummingbird  

are few and far between, and most gardeners never see one;  

usually due to lack of nectar plants used as a food supply. 

Although hummingbirds eat tiny insects, their preferred food

is nectar, which tends to be most abundant in trumpet-      

shaped flowers.  Although they will feed from other flowers,

blooms that are reddish or purple in color are most         

attractive to hummingbirds.  Hence, gardens containing a    

large number of desirable flowers are most attractive.      

Fragrance is not an essential element, as the birds are     

attracted by color.  Hummingbird gardens should contain     

plants which bloom continually from May to early autumn,    

when hummingbirds are present in Michigan.                  

A hummingbird can be characterized in several ways, most    

notably by their small size and the fast pace at which their

wings beat.  Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red.   

Because their wings beat unusually quickly, hummingbirds use

extreme amounts of energy; making it necessary for the birds

to feed every 10 to 15 minutes from dawn until sunset.      

Hummingbirds are territorial and will guard prime flower    

plantings.  One dominant bird often drives away others,     

making it necessary to locate plantings at widely seperate  

locations, allowing more birds to take up residence.        

Hummingbirds will also drink sugar water from specially     

constructed feeders.  The container is usually red, making  

it attractive to the birds.  The sugar water solution is    

relatively easy to make at home, a combination of 1 part    

sugar to 4 parts water.  After combining, bring the solution

to a boil and then cool before placing it in the feeder.    

Boiling will keep it fresh for a longer period of time;     

however, if the feeder is not emptied quickly, change the   

solution within a few days.  Honey is not a recommended     

substitute for sugar, as it ferments and spoils too quickly.

The following table cites plants useful in the attraction   

of hummingbirds:                                            

Plant                      Bloom Time  Color                

-----                      ----- ----  -----                

BORDER FLOWERS                                              


Bugleweed (Ajuga)          5,6         b,pr                 

Columbine (Aquilegia)      5,6         r,p,y,b,w            

Coralbells (Heuchera)      6,7,8,9     p,r                  

Flowering Tobacco (Nico-   6,7,8,9,10  r,p,w                


Four-o'clock (Mirablis)    7,8,9,10    r,p,o,y,w            

Foxglove (Digitalis)       6,7         pr,r,w               

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum)    6,7,8,9,10  r,o,y,w              

Petunia (Petunia)          6,7,8,9,10  many                 

Phlox (Phlox paniculata)   7,8,9       p,r,w                

Salvia (Salvia splendens)  6,7,8,9,10  r                    

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)   6,7,8,9,10  many                 

Spider flower (Cleome)     7,8,9       p,w,pr               

Sweet William (Dianthus)   5,6         r,p,w                

Zinnia (Zinnia)            6,7,8,9,10  many                 



Beautybush (Kolkwitzia)    5,6         p                    

Flowering quince (Chaono-  5           r,p,o                


Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus)  7,8         p,w,pr               

Honeysuckle (Lonicera)     5,6         r,p                  

Weigela (Weigela)          5,6         r,p                  

TENDER BULBS                                                

------ -----                                                

Dahlia (Dahlia)            7,8,9,10    r,p,y,o,w            

Gladioli (Gladiolus)       7,8,9       many                 



Black locust (Robinia)     5           w                    

Crabapple (Malus)          5           r,p,w                

Hawthorn (Crategus)        5,6         w,p                  

Horsechestnut (Aesculus)   5           w                    

Red Buckeye (Aesculus)     5           r                    

Siberian pea (Caragana)    5,6         y                    



Honeysuckle (Lonicera)     6,7,8,9,10  r,y                  

Morning glory (Ipomea)     7,8,9,10    r,b                  

Scarlet runner bean        7,8,9,10    r                    


Trumpet creeper (Campsis)  7,8,9       o,r                  



Beebalm (Monarda)          7,8         p,r                  

Bleeding Hear (Dicentra)   5           r,p                  

Butterfly weed (Asclepias) 7,8         o                    

Cardinal flower (Lobelia)  7,8,9,10    r                    

Jewelweed (Impatiens)      6,7,8,9,10  o                    

Scarlet larkspur (Del-     6,7,8,9,10  r                    



p--pink         o--orange       y--yellow                   

pr-purple       w--white        b--blue                     


"Hummingbird Gardens"                                       

  by Nancy J. Butler                                        

 Robert J. Kent                                             

  Cooperative Extension Agent                               

  Suffolk County                                            

 Richard Weir                                               

  Nassau County Cooperative Extension                       

 "Urban Plantings For Wildlife"                             

   by Susuan Cerulean                                       

   Nongame  Wildlife Section Supervisor                     

   Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission             

   Tallahassee, Florida                                     

    Long Island Gardening-Nov. 1987                         

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Vaccinium corymbosum - 54K
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