Michigan State University Extension
Home Horticulture - 01700580

Lobularia--Sweet Alyssum, Alyssum

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     Sweet alyssum is an excellent low growing plant  useful

for  edging.  The flowers are purple, white or pink and  the

plants  grow  best in  cool weather.   Provide full sun  and

a well drained soil. In July or August,  when the plants are

starting to go to seed, they may be sheared back.  They will

usually  be  back in bloom in one to two weeks.   The  plant

grows six to ten inches tall.  Sweet Alyssum may be used  to

shade  the  root  zones of other  plants.   The  plants  are

smaller on sunny sites with poor soil.                      

     The  seed  germinates in 8 to 15 days  at  temperatures

between  65  to 75 degrees.  Do not be cover  the  seed   as

light is necessary for germination.  Sweet Alyssum damps off


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Lobularia maritima - 96K
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